MH Material Handling is a specialist in storage systems without pressure for any kind of product. Thanks to over 20 years of experience in the business of material handling and packaging, MH Material Handling can offer multiple solutions for buffering of products; both for stocking or conditioning along the production line and to be able to continue production during the stops of packaging machines. BAT Buffer is a LIFO storage system without pressure, flexible, reliable and compact size. Heliflex is a LIFO storage system without pressure ideal for large capacity and also suitable for conditioning processes. Buffer FIFO is a multi track conveyor system for ranks storage. Pater Noster is a LIFO storage system with shelves.


MH Material Handling Mergers or Reduction Line Devices are suitable for different applications: - for thermoforming machines outputs - for the convergence of different primary packaging machines in a single secondary machine - on a collector to the palletization specialist in storage systems without pressure for any kind of product.
ProcessoSigma, Unipessoal Lda info@processosigma.com www.processosigma.eu Portugal: Rua Infante Dom Henrique 412 RC Esq
4435-287 Rio Tinto Phone: +351 933 749 707 Poland: ul. Wieluńska
97-360 Kamieńsk Phone: +48 667 087 039